Monday, June 6, 2011

Been away for a while...This is why!

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Apart of me feels badly that I haven't blogged on a while bit the other part of me that doesn't feel so bad is just excited about my new expansion pack for The Sims. I'm obessed! First of all, I've been a Sims fan since it came out when I was like, in middle school or something. This newest expansion pack, Generations is bringing even more real life elements into the game like never before. Teenagers can throw parties while their folks are away, there's prom and graduations. Last night, my Sim had a bachelor party! Kid sims can play pretend and have imaginary friends...ISN'T THIS ALL SO EXCITING!!!!

So, in a nut shell this is why I haven't been blogging so much. This past week I've spent the majority of my free time playing God on the computer. (No disrespect to the REAL God of course!)

Thanks for reading!


  1. my gosh how the sims have evolved... EA games must be making a killer amount off all the sim addicts. smh. I would play death....I make sims jump in pools without ladders to climb out of. lol. Yup I actually did this. Death was just at the pool side, and the guy kept swimming and looking up at me like DAMN I CAN'T GET OUT....I just laugh.

  2. Lol I used to do that too. Now in the game when a sim dies, the grim reaper comes and you can actually interact with him. And the sims become ghosts and haunt the homes...sometimes lol

  3. lol...I wonder if that would make the price value on the house go down...being haunted and all
