Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Current Obsession: Vh1's Single Ladies

I know I'm a little late but I just watched the first two episodes of Single Ladies on VH1 and I'm officially hooked. There's nothing like a show with lots of drama, hot clothes and hot men! And boy oh boy do I mean HOT MEN! The star on the men's side of the show is DB Woodside. Now I know Woodside from his short role on "Buffy" in season 7 but he has never looked sexier and finer than he does in this show! For those who aren't familiar with the show yet, he's a love interest of Lisa Raye's character, Keisha. (NEW CELEBRITY CRUSH ALERT!). This is definitely my show for the summer. I just hope it doesn't get cancelled; that tends to happen to all my favorite shows :-/

Have you guys watched the show? What do you think of it so far?
Thanks for reading!


  1. I read ur blog *sticks toung out and walks away FAST*

  2. I am guessing this is another black show huh to make women go CRAZY or watch craziness and be all satisfied that the drama is not happening in their lives...I guess I might give it a look. hmmmm

  3. Smh at Jessica....I'm not even going to dignify that with a response!
    @Richardo yes you should give it a look, cant go wrong with drama and sexy women and all that good stuff lol
