Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Black Women Are UGLY?!?" You mus' be out cho' MIND!

I know I'm catching on to this kind of late but my friend just told me yesterday about something she heard on the radio. A couple of weeks ago "Psychology Today" posted an article about why black women are (wait for it....) LESS PHYSICALLY ATTRACTIVE than women of other races. And this is all based on some ASSHOLE psychologist, Dr. Satoshi Kanaza's "findings". He tries to justify this extremely racist claim by saying that its because black people have more testosterone than other races and that because of that, black women (but not black men) are objectively less attractive. So....we're unatrractive because we look like men? Gotcha. Please Mr. Kanaza do not come to NYC and if you are, best stay away from the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens because there's a whole lot of us "ugly black women/men" that'll beat your ass. I'M JUST SAYING!

You can try to look for the article but Psychology Today has since taken it off its website but here's a few articles that talk about the RIDICULOUSITY!
Here's the Wikipedia page on Kanazawa. This isn't the only nonsense to come out of this man's mouth!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I am so getting her...Kerry Washington...so YUM. Yea let's go kick their butts. Women are beautiful altogether and black women are wonderfully lovely and beautiful...I got my streetwear on, I ready to run up on a Psychologist. Where they at?

  2. You have to fight me for Kerry Washington!!!! I love her too
