Monday, May 23, 2011

Who Run the World? Well apparently, Girls do!

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Funny story: So last night, I turned on my tv to channel 7 looking for Desperate Housewives (which ended last week, no one gave me the memo!) but ended up catching the very beginning of Beyonce performing "Run The World" on the Billboard Awards which I had NO IDEA was on in the first place. (I don't keep up with awards shows anymore, not since high school.) So I ended up watching and I have to give B her props. The performance was SICK!!! I was so impressed! I couldn't even take my eyes off of it for one second.

I wasn't a big fan of the song itself when it came out but I do love the concept of enstilling this sense of empowerment in women/girls. I think that we could all use some more of that in this world, whether we are confident and cocky or struggling with self esteem. I admit that in my life I've struggled with self-esteem especially as a teenager. I think if Beyonce was singing this song back then, it might have helped even just a little bit.

Great job to B and other female artists (like my favorite, Christina Aguilera) who are always singing/speaking about the power of women!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Women can run the world all they want...MEN ARE BAWSES... So if women run the world, why it aint better then when men ran the world? huh huh huh...Beyonce needs to sit her sexy booty down...on the other hand, she needs to make more music, so more women can be BAWSES. That's Sexy.

  2. Women are already bawses!!! U better recognize!!!!
